List My Manor
Your Details
Title & Full Name:
Contact Number:
Contact Address:
Rent payment account details
Account Name:
Account Number:
Sort Code:
Your Property
Full Address:
Property Type:
White Goods:
Do you maintain the white goods?
Parking Arrangements:
Is loft space included?
Is a garage included?
Is a basement included?
Available From:
Initial Fixed Term Length:
Furnished, Part Furnished, Unfurnished:
Current Tenants (used for access only)
Contact Number:
See attached Our Services document for an overview then please select a service below
Let Only OR Let & Manage OR Let, Manage & Rent Guarantee
Zero Deposit Scheme:
Which tenants will you allow?
Single, Couple, Children, Sharers, Student:
Please note new MHCLG legislation states:
Pets: There must be ‘good reason’ to reject a pet provided to an applicant within 28 days of applying.
Universal Credit: We cannot deny an application solely on the grounds of a tenant claiming benefits as it is now seen as discriminatory.
Freehold/Leasehold/Share of Freehold/Commonhold:
If applicable:
At least 75 years remain on the Property’s Lease?
Additional Tenancy Agreement Clauses
Please indicate any Tenancy Agreement clauses you wish to be implemented alongside our standard contract clauses.
Break Clause:
Rent Review:
Additional Information/Further Clauses:
Let & Manage
Will you protect the deposit or will MyManor?
Your Preferred Contractors:
Please note we will take a copy of relevant qualifications and Public Liability Insurance from all contractors listed below so we can process their invoices on your behalf.
Float to Hold: £250.00
(to be deducted from the second month’s rent)
Maintenance Declaration. Type X in the square brackets to agree
[ ] I understand MyManor will reasonably act on my behalf up to a limit of £250.00 should a STANDARD maintenance issue occur. In all circumstances, MyManor will inform me and contact my preferred contractors. With my prior authorisation, MyManor will only use their reputable alternative contractors if my preferred contractors are unavailable.
[ ] Should an EMERGENCY occur, I understand MyManor will always act in my best interests and shall instruct contractors up to a works limit of £250.00 or the absolute minimum cost to stop further damage. In all circumstances MyManor will attempt to contact me first.
So we know exactly how to manage your property from the offset, please detail if it has any of the following issues and attach any supporting documents you feel are necessary for us to see. If none of this applies, you can skip this.
To Note
Current maintenance:
Near HS2:
Insurance claims:
Japanese Knotweed:
Neighbour disputes
Excessive noise:
Flooding risks:
material issues:
Safety & Compliance
We can’t legally let your property until all the below is satisfactory:
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms
[ ] At least 1 working smoke alarm per floor present
[ ] Working Carbon Monoxide alarm per solid fuel appliance present
Gas Safety Certificate (GSC)
[ ] Valid GSC Provided
Date Remedials Booked if applicable:
[ ] Property has no gas
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
[ ] Valid EPC Provided
Date Remedials Booked if applicable:
[ ] EPC Exempt
[ ] Exemption Proof Provided
Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
[ ] Valid EICR Provided
Date Remedials Booked if applicable:
[ ] EICR Exempt
[ ] Exemption Proof Provided
House of Multiple Occupancy License (HMO)
[ ] Valid HMO License Provided
Date Remedials Booked if applicable:
[ ] No HMO License Required
Stop Tap Location:
Alarm Code:
Alarm Contact:
Legal Declarations. Type X in the square brackets to agree.
[ ] I confirm I am, or legally act on behalf of, the Legal Owner of the above mentioned Property and I have either provided proof of ownership to MyManor, or I have granted MyManor permission to verify the Legal Owner’s ownership via HM Land Registry, at a cost of £3 billed to me, deducted off the second month’s rent. I understand in the event that MyManor discovers I do not own the above mentioned Property, they will immediately terminate their services at a cost of £600.00
[ ] I confirm I have been given permission by all revelant parties to let the Property and have provided proof of this to MyManor. I understand in the event MyManor later discovers no Permission To Let has been granted, they will terminate their services immediately at a cost of £600.00
[ ] I confirm, in line with Money Laundering Regulations 2017, I have provided MyManor a copy of my Photographic ID together with Proof of Address, of which MyManor’s appointed Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MRLO) will keep a record of for a minimum of 5 years.